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I Need Access to Edit Offerings/Solutions in Intel® Partner Showcase

Content Type: Product Information & Documentation   |   Article ID: 000091350   |   Last Reviewed: 01/26/2024


Intel® Partner Showcase


  • Partner Admin requesting to add Offering/Solution entitlement to Employees
  • Employee requesting access to edit Solutions/Offerings
  • Employee still unable to manage offering after Partner Admin assigned the responsibility


For Partner Admins, follow the steps below to assign responsibility:

  1. Sign in to the Intel Partner Alliance homepage. 
  2. Locate and click the Company Profile link near the Dashboard button on the right.
  3. In Company Profile, click the Responsibilities heading, then click Manage Personnel. Select the employee's name.
  4. Select the box for Offering/Solutions entitlement under Access.

For Employees, there are two ways to request Offerings/Solutions access:

  1. Coordinate with Partner Admin to assign the responsibility by following the steps above.
  2. Contact Intel Customer Support. This will need approval from an active Partner Admin/Account owner

Once the access request is granted, it can take from 6 to 24 hours for the entitlement to become active on the account.

Additional information

Only Partner Admins/Partner Admin Delegates and Employees who have been given edit/access rights can update an offering.