How to fix missing shadows in League of Legends with Intel® UHD Graphics for 12th Gen Intel® Processors.
- Shadows are missing in League of Legends with Intel® Graphics even the shadow quality is set to ultra-high.
- The issue only happens to the League of Legends Chinese client.
- No issue with the League of Legends global client by default.
The issue only happens when League of Legends is running on DirectX 9 mode. We are currently investigating the issue on DirectX 9 mode, so for now, use the below method to force enable DirectX 11 mode. The shadows will appear with DirectX 11 mode.
- Navigate to the game folder *\League of Legends\Game\Config.
- Open game.cfg with notepad.
- Add a new line under [General]: DX11BetaTest=1
- Save the file.
- Re-launch the game.