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How to Verify Your Employment in Your Intel® Retail Edge Program Account

Content Type: Product Information & Documentation   |   Article ID: 000090584   |   Last Reviewed: 03/16/2023


Looking for how to verify an Intel® Retail Edge Program Account.


Intel Retail Edge Program member is unable to verify their account due to a special leave.


  1. Log in to your Intel® Retail Edge Program Account.
  2. Visit the Employment Verification page.
  3. Depending on the Retail Chains, there are usually two options:
    • Verify by Corporate Email Address
    • Verify by Email Upload
  4. For Corporate Email Verification, you can use your corporate email address. Be advised that verification is active for 90 days. Once you verify using your corporate email address, you will not be able to submit a verification using this method again for 85 days.
    1. Select the appropriate email domain from the list and populate the text box with your corporate email address.
    2. Click Submit.
    3. You will receive an email with the verification link. Click the link to confirm that the email address is valid and active.
    4. Once you click the link, your verification status will be automatically updated.
  5. For Verification by Email Upload, you can upload verification documents to our email tool on the page.
    1. Ensure that your information is correct and up to date. You can visit the My Profile page to update your account.
    2. Click the Select File button to search your system for a paystub or notice of direct deposit to upload. 
    3. Make sure that the details below are visible in the document:
      • Your name
      • The name of your retail chain (must be a participating chain)
      • The date, within 30 days
    4. Use a standard graphics file format such as .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .png, .pdf and avoid submitting text documents, such as Microsoft Word*
    5. Black-out all other data like your Social Security Number or bank account number. Note: You are responsible for blacking out this information. Intel will not be responsible for personal information not blacked out on your submission.
    6. Click Open to attach the file.
    7. Click Submit.
    8. An email will be sent to you within a few business days. It will either confirm that your employment has been verified or indicate that there was an issue that prevented us from completing the process.

Contact Intel Customer Support if further assistance is required.

Additional information

Verify by Corporate E-mail Address

Corporate Email Verification is currently unavailable for Telecommunications Companies (Telcos) and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). This is due to deals and agreements made between Intel and approved retailers. Additional information regarding this matter is confidential and cannot be disclosed. Thus, only selected retailers participating in the Intel® Retail Edge Program are eligible to verify via corporate email.


Verify by Special Leave

For exceptional cases in which the aforementioned accepted proof of employment options cannot be provided, such as (i) maternity leave, (ii) military leave, (iii) long-term disability leave; the Member should contact our support team and provide:

  • A comprehensive explanation of their situation;
  • A Letter of Employment signed by their manager, dated within thirty (30) days of submission.

This method of verification will be available for the period of one (1) year, with each verification being valid for ninety (90) days.

NoteIntel reserves the right to approve or deny said inquiries on a case by case basis.

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Intel® Retail Edge Program