Ubuntu 16.04 is excluded from officially supported OS for OpenVINO™ prebuilt package starting from version 2021
- Built custom library successfully with OpenVINO™ 2020.1.
- Upgraded to OpenVINO™ 2021.4.2 and rebuilt custom library.
- Received error when loading the custom library:
/src/.build.linux/package/./lib/libvinonodes.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK6ngraph4Node8evaluateERKSt6vectorISt10shared_ptrINS_7runtime10HostTensorEESaIS5_EES9_RKSt3mapINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES2_INS_7VariantEESt4lessISG_ESaISt4pairIKSG_SI_EEE
Option 1:
Migrate to newer Ubuntu version (18.04 or 20.04).
Option 2:
Build Open Source OpenVINO™ .