Article ID: 000089290 Content Type: Install & Setup Last Reviewed: 09/23/2022

How to Change BIOS Logo of Intel® Server Board M50CYP and D50TNP Family


Steps to update BIOS logo of Intel® Server Board M50CYP and D50TNP using Intel® Integrator Toolkit (ITK)


Intel® Server Board M50CYP and D50TNP BIOS logo can be customized using Intel® Integrator Toolkit (ITK). Contact Intel Customer Support for the link to download the Intel® Integrator Toolkit package.



  1. Update the system to latest BIOS release.
  2. Using the ITK package, create a custom .CAP file. Open the EFI BIOS package and select R01010004_CAPSULE_ITK.cap

    Example image

    Example image

  3. Upload the desired image to the ITK tool.

    Example image

  4. Click on Save as icon and replace R01010004_CAPSULE_ITK.cap in the package.

    Example image

  5. Edit UpdBIOS_CYP.nsh and update the file name to R01010004_CAPSULE_ITK.cap

    Example image

    Example image

  6. Copy the package to a pen drive and boot the system to EFI shell.
  7. Type sysfwupdt.efi -u R01010004_CAPSULE_ITK.cap to start the logo update process.

    Example image

    Example image

  8. Reboot the system.
Note:  If you have any questions, please contact Intel Support 

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