The SIC code for Intel is 3674 -- Read more for additional details.
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The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, defines SIC as, The Standard Industrial Classification Codes that appear in a company's disseminated EDGAR filings indicate the company's type of business. These codes are also used in the Division of Corporation Finance as a basis for assigning review responsibility for the company's filings.
The standard industry classification (SIC) code for Intel is 3674.
According to the United States Department of Labor's OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) site, this is the definition of 3674 Semiconductors and Related Devices (last updated in 1987): Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing semiconductors and related solid- state devices. Important products of this industry are semiconductor diodes and stacks, including rectifiers, integrated microcircuits (semiconductor networks), transistors, solar cells, and light sensing and emitting semi-conductor (solid-state) devices.