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Support for Intel® Ethernet Fabric Suite

Content Type: Product Information & Documentation   |   Article ID: 000088499   |   Last Reviewed: 12/01/2021

Request technical support for the Intel® Ethernet Fabric Suite from an Intel Customer Support representative by filling out a service request form.

Guidance on opening a service request for Intel Ethernet Fabric Suite

  1. Go to our Web Portal under Ethernet Products, then Intel® Ethernet Software, and Intel® Ethernet Fabric Suite.
  2. Click Submit Service Request.
  3. Open one case for each issue.
  4. Choose the category that better describes your issue in the What Type of Issue are you having with the product? section.
  5. The Describe Your Issue field must capture a concise summary of what problem is being seen:
    • Describe the main issue.
    • If Severity 1/Critical, add [Urgent] to the description.
  6. Description must provide sufficient detail to start analysis.
    Provide detailed description and symptoms:
    • How the system is misbehaving, error messages, and so on
    • What was done/being done leading up to this behavior
    • How was the system behaving before you encountered this issue
    • Frequency of occurrence (always?, once?, some jobs?, and so on)
  7. Indicate urgency:
    • Describe your assessment of the severity/criticality.
    • Include the business/project impact.
    • Provide the current state of the system/issue (back in production, partially usable, or problem no longer exists).
  8. Finally, give us some details about Intel Ethernet Fabric Suite:
    • Vendor Reference Number
    • Serial Number
    • Product Version
    • Product Model
    • What is the name of the Integration Partner or OEM?
  9. Attachments. Provide logs and/or captures (review instructions) from suspect components, links, and so on.

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