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How to Reboot the System with the Powershell API (Application Programming Interface) on Intel® EMA?

Content Type: Troubleshooting   |   Article ID: 000088376   |   Last Reviewed: 08/09/2022


Unable to reboot a machine with the Intel® EMA API error message: Model Cannon be null


In order to reboot it, follow the next steps:


  1. Go into the same directory as when they downloaded the API samples. Specifically, Set-IntelEMAEndpointPowerState.ps1 sample Powershell script.
  2. Use the -emaServerURL switch to call the server.
  3. Put in the fully qualified name of the server.
  4. Use the hostname switch.
  5. Enter the name of the hostname that is in EMA. It should be in the EMA WebUI console. Note: They can also find the system ID in the console.
  6. Use the power state switch to call the command desire, in this example reset. The EMA WebU console also has all the various reset, reboot, wake options available.
  7. Verbose for debugging logs.

Example of the commands on the power shell:

PS> ./Set-IntelEMAEndpointPowerState.ps1 -emaServerURL -hostname UsersLaptop -powerState= Reset -Verbose

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