How to avoid memory leaking issue when running OpenVINO™ C++ samples with the Intel Inspector.
- Ran OpenVINO™ Image Classification Async C++ Sample with Intel® Inspector for checking memory issue.
Command used:
$ pwd
$ /opt/intel/oneapi/inspector/2021.3.0/bin64/inspxe-cl -c mi3 ./classification_sample_async -m /opt/intel/openvino_2021.3.394/deployment_tools/open_model_zoo/tools/downloader/intel/image-retrieval-0001/FP16-INT8/image-retrieval-0001.xml -i /home/centos/images -nt 8
$ /opt/intel/oneapi/inspector/2021.3.0/bin64/inspxe-cl -report observations - Intel® Inspector generated report detailing the memory issue.
The Benchmark App was used as a reference to maximize inference performance. There were some codes relating to latency statistics in Benchmark App.
Removing the related snippets of the code will make the memory stable
It is not recommended to use benchmark_app application for stress testing as it uses private std::vector<double>_latencies in InferRequestsQueue class, which collects every latency value and calculates the median value of latency.