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How to Get Trade Agreements Act (TAA) Compliance for Intel® Xeon® Processors?

Content Type: Product Information & Documentation   |   Article ID: 000087903   |   Last Reviewed: 02/26/2025


Unable to find TAA certification documentation for Intel® Xeon® Processors.


This information is not provided for Intel® Xeon® Processors because Trade Agreements Act (TAA) details are only available at the system level, and the processor is a component of such a system. We recommend consulting with computer manufacturers to determine the TAA compliance of the system in which the processor is installed.

Additional information

Background on the US Trade Agreements Act (TAA):

TAA refers to the Trade Agreements Act (19 U.S.C. and 2501-2581), which is intended to foster fair and open international trade.

The TAA contains a list of products and requires that the U.S. Government acquire those products only if they are Made or substantially transformed in the U.S. or a TAA designated country.

You can find the list of products and TAA designated countries.

Most Intel® products are not subject to the TAA because the TAA is mostly concerned with completed products, not the components in those products.