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Received Password Reset Email Notification from Intel, but I Didn’t Change It

Content Type: Troubleshooting   |   Article ID: 000087580   |   Last Reviewed: 04/12/2024


  • Received unexpected email notifying me that my password changed and I need to confirm the update, but I didn't make a change to my account.
  • No Password Reset request was made
  • The email contains the message below:

    The password for your Intel account was recently changed. If you did not change your password, please contact our support team

    Need help?

    For technical assistance, or if you feel you have received this message in error, contact our support team.


If you did not initiate an update to your account profile, including a change to your password, immediately follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Go to Intel home page.
  2. Select Sign In ( person icon in top right-hand corner).
  3. Select Problems signing in? link.
    exampe image
  4. Select Reset your password link.
  5. Enter your email you have registered with Intel.
  6. Select Send verification code button.
  7. Check for an email from with the subject Intel account email verification code.  This email contains a single-use code that is valid for 20 minutes.

Check spam and junk folders for email if you do not see it in your inbox. 

  1. Input the single-use code in the Verification code text box.
  2. Select the Verify code button.
  3. Provide New Password and select Reset Password button.
  1. Once completed, the password will be reset and you will be signed in automatically.
  2. Alert Intel Customer Support if you received a password change notification without initiating it.  Intel Customer Support will work with our Information Security team to investigate it further.

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