Article ID: 000060204 Content Type: Product Information & Documentation Last Reviewed: 08/29/2023

How to Check Total Sales or Total Purchased Units for an Account in Intel® Partner Alliance


Steps to view sales recorded in the Intel® Partner Alliance Dashboard

  • Unable to find dashboard and sales records for year-to-date sales summary in Intel® Partner Alliance Dashboard due to login issues.
  • Need to see the complete Sales Report.

Only Partner Admin/Delegates can access the Sales Dashboard for reported invoiced purchases. Here's how:

  1. Log in to Intel® Partner Alliance.
  2. Navigate to the Dashboard.
  3. Click the Sales tab.
  4. Make your selection.
    • Total Sales for Account or Total Purchased Units
      • Use the expand feature expand iconin the upper right of either of the boxes to download and export the report at invoice level.
        • Click the Icon Arrow Up icon to enter an invoice number, or use the calendar feature to filter beginning and end date ranges and/or export in .csv format.
          • This feature is only available for Total Sales for Account information.
        • Click the Download icon icon to download the chart in .png format.

To report missing sales or purchases of units, refer to Total Sales or Total Purchased Units Are Missing from Intel® Partner Alliance Account.

If the report cannot be extracted due to login issues, contact Intel Customer Support and provide the following:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Account Number or other account settings
  • Screenshot/File
  • Link