Intel EMA server installation
The steps to install the Intel EMA server could be found in the Installing or Updating the Intel® EMA Server section in the Intel® EMA Quick Start Guide (images included).
Users and roles information
It is important to understand the User Roles described in the Intel® Endpoint Management Assistant (Intel® EMA) Administration and Usage Guide.
A user can have only one role. A role, however, can be performed by multiple users. These are the available roles:
- Global Administrator: This role performs user management, tenant management, and server management.
The Global Administrator does not perform endpoint management and does not (and cannot) belong to any endpoint group. The Global Administrator’s control spans all tenants in a single Intel® EMA server installation instance.
- Tenant Administrator: This role is specific to a particular tenant and can perform all operations (user management, endpoint management, Intel® AMT Discovery) under that tenant. Therefore, the Tenant Administrator does not (and cannot) belong to any user group in its tenant. A Tenant Administrator user cannot manage a Global Administrator user.
- Account Manager: This role is specific to a particular tenant, and can perform user management only.
However, an Account Manager cannot manage users with higher-level roles (for example, a Tenant Administrator or Global Administrator). Account Managers cannot perform endpoint management, and therefore cannot belong to any user group.
- Endpoint Group Creator: This role is specific to a particular tenant. It can perform endpoint management, as well as create new endpoint groups and manage Intel AMT Profiles. An Endpoint Group Creator can be a member of multiple user groups and can manage all groups to which they belong. Endpoint Group Creators cannot perform user management. However, they can see the list of all user groups and the list of all Endpoint Group Creators and Endpoint Group Users in that tenant (that is, user roles in that tenant that are equal or lower in the user role hierarchy; they cannot see Account Managers, Tenant Administrators, or Global Administrators)
- Endpoint Group User: This role is specific to a particular tenant, and can perform endpoint management only. Endpoint Group Users can be members of multiple user groups, but they cannot perform user management, and can only view their own user information.
Creating a Tenant and adding endpoints
After installing Intel EMA, the very first screen displayed is the Global Administrator. The purpose of the Global Admin is to set up Tenants that have the responsibility to add endpoints.
A Tenant admin account needs to be set up, so it can set up endpoint groups and endpoints. This is described in the Endpoint Groups and User Groups sections in the Intel® Endpoint Management Assistant (Intel® EMA) Administration and Usage Guide.