Unable to properly install Windows 10 driver to make RS3WC080 RAID controller recognizable to Operating System
Reinstall Windows driver Running as Administrator
Driver could be downloaded from: Download Windows* Driver for Intel Integrated RAID Module RMS3AC160, RMS3CC080, RMS3CC040, RMS3HC080 and Intel RAID Controller RS3DC080, RS3DC040, RS3SC008, RS3MC044, RS3WC080
Installation Instructions
This updated driver can be applied using the normal OS installation options.
Extract package contents to a user specified location such as = a:\ or a USB flash drive.
Driver Installation Instructions for Windows* 2012/8
This procedure installs the Intel RAID device driver on a new Windows* 2012/8 system. Windows 2012/8 automatically adds the driver to the registry and copies the driver to the appropriate directory.
Note |
You may ask to supply the appropriate INF path if you want to load driver from a USB flash drive. |
Update controller firmware: Download Firmware Package for Intel® Integrated RAID Module RMS3HC080 and Intel® RAID Controller RS3WC080
Installation instructions:
UEFI shell instructions for updating RAID Firmware:
You can also use RAID Web Console 2 or OS version of StorCLI to update the RAID firmware. For more detail, please refer to the Intel(R) RAID Software User's Guide.