Article ID: 000059856 Content Type: Product Information & Documentation Last Reviewed: 10/05/2023

Total Sales or Total Purchased Units Are Missing from Intel® Partner Alliance Account


Possible reasons purchases (missing sales/invoices/purchases) are not recorded in an Intel® Partner Alliance dashboard

  • Purchases are missing; unable to find sales purchase in Intel® Partner Alliance account.
  • Total sales are missing from dashboard yet invoices are recorded.

Sales purchases or invoice details may not be reflected in an Intel® Partner Alliance account due to one or more of the following reasons:

  • The purchase was made recently.
    • It requires 4-6 weeks from the invoice date to reflect the sales purchase into the system.
    • Check your account after 6 weeks.
  • The purchase was made from unauthorized distributor.
  • The purchase is not or does not contain an Intel product.
  • If there are no issues with the above criteria, and invoices are still missing, submit a request to Intel Customer Support (sign-in required).
    1. Enter details in the text box Tell us about your issue or question regarding Intel® Partner Alliance.
    2. Click Next:Details button to include any attachments (screenshots, photos, files, or others).
    3. Select opt-in or opt-out opportunity to participate in Customer Improvement Program.
    4. Click Submit Request button.

A representative will contact you within one business day along with a Missing Purchase Request Template to be completed.

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