Reasons why Full Material Disclosure (FMD) documentation is not available, and how Material Data Declaration Sheets (MDDS) can be used instead.
Unable to find the Full Material Disclosure (FMD) documentation for my Intel product.
Intel does not provide Full Material Disclosure (FMD) reports. Intel adheres to the IEC62474 industry standard schema for reportable/restricted substance disclosures within its products. Intel refers to these documents as Material Data Declaration Sheets (MDDS).
MDDS documentation can be easily found at our Intel® Quality Document Management System (QDMS). You will need to have the Intel Material Master number (MM#) or the Intel Product Code to locate the documents. Guidance to search for content within our Intel® Quality Document Management System can be checked in How to Find Material Declaration Data Sheets (MDDS) for Intel® Products.
There are a few disadvantages to Full Material Disclosure (FMD) reports outlined below:
- Due to the need to protect supplier IP many substances remain undisclosed in a full material declaration. In the event a previously undisclosed substance becomes restricted or reportable, the supply chain will have to follow the process for updating existing documentation to report the newly reportable substance.
- Due to supplier limited knowledge, FMD reports often include process chemicals which do not remain in the product. These process materials, if declared, would mislead the downstream suppliers and eventually the customer regarding the correct material composition of the products.
- Most product bills of materials (BOM) are multisource, which means that any given component will have more than one supplier. Both the negative declaration used by Intel, as well as any possible FMD would include the worst-case data (i.e., any reportable or restricted substances would show up in the report). However, the FMD does not give an accurate depiction of all possible declarable substances in the product.