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How to Obtain the Serial Number of Intel® RealSense™ Camera?

Content Type: Product Information & Documentation   |   Article ID: 000059629   |   Last Reviewed: 12/04/2023


Intel® RealSense Lidar L515 camera


Unable to find the serial number of the RealSense camera.


To obtain the serial number of your device:

  1. Open the terminal and change the directory to catkin_ws.
  2. Connect the camera and start the realsense2_camera wrapper (In case of multiple cameras, connect them one at a time).

roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch

The serial number will be displayed in the following log lines:

[ INFO] [1538983051.813336379]: setupDevice...
[ INFO] [1538983051.813399792]: JSON file is not provided
[ INFO] [1538983051.813427820]: ROS Node Namespace: camera
[ INFO] [1538983051.813442869]: Device Name: Intel RealSense D435
[ INFO] [1538983051.813605893]: Device Serial No: 728312070349
[ INFO] [1538983051.813622583]: Device FW version:

The serial number in this case is 728312070349.

Capture the serial number and terminate the node using CTRL+C.
Repeat the above steps now for other devices for which you need to obtain the serial number.

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