Install the latest Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) software components to mitigate error 0x4006.
Executed sgx-ra-sample.
- ./run-server returned error: error processing msg1
- ./run-client returned error: sgx_ra_get_msg1: 00004006
sgx_error.h states:
SGX_ERROR_UPDATE_NEEDED = SGX_MK_ERROR(0x4006), /* SGX needs to be updated */
Update all SGX software components—including the Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) SDK, Intel SGX Platform Software, and Intel SGX driver—using the instructions in the Intel SGX installation guide for the operating system.
The Intel SGX Installation Guide for Linux* is in the Documentation folder of the latest release of the Intel® Software Guard Extensions SDK for Linux* or Linux SGX Github.
The Intel SGX Installation Guide for Windows* is provided in the documents folder of the Intel SGX SDK for Windows*.