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Encountered Error: “Cannot Find Blob with Name: DetectionOutput” When Executing “mask_rcnn_demo.exe”

Content Type: Error Messages   |   Article ID: 000059185   |   Last Reviewed: 05/20/2022


  1. Referred to Convert ONNX* Mask R-CNN Model to the Intermediate Representation from OpenVINO™ Documentation.
  2. Downloaded and converted mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x model into IR
  3. Executed the command: mask_rcnn_demo.exe -i D:/hqx/yolact/test_Color.jpg -m D:/hqx/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.xml -detection_output_name=DetectionOutput
  4. Received error message: [ ERROR ] Cannot find blob with name: DetectionOutput
  5. Executed different command: mask_rcnn_demo.exe -i D:/hqx/yolact/test_Color.jpg -m D:/hqx/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.xml -detection_output_name=6849/sink_port_0
  6. Received error message: [ ERROR ] Cannot add output! Layer 6849/sink_port_0 wasn't found!


  1. Go to mask_rcnn_demo repository which is located at: <INSTALL_DIR>\deployment_tools\open_model_zoo\demos\mask_rcnn_demo
  2. Open models.lst file
  3. Download suggested model
    • mask_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_atrous_coco
    • mask_rcnn_inception_v2_coco
    • mask_rcnn_resnet101_atrous_coco
    • mask_rcnn_resnet50_atrous_coco
  4. Convert downloaded model with Model Optimizer
  5. Run mask_rcnn_demo.exe with the following command mask_rcnn_demo.exe -m "<PATH_TO_MODEL>\<MODEL>.xml" -i "<PATH_TO_IMAGE>\<IMAGE>.jpg"

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