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What Is a “Intel® Killer™ Enabled Device"?

Content Type: Compatibility   |   Article ID: 000059093   |   Last Reviewed: 02/14/2025

An Intel® Killer™ Enabled Device is any computer that is connected to the Internet using a currently supported Intel Killer Networking adapter. Intel Killer Ethernet and Wireless adapters can be installed in gaming laptops, desktops, and mainboards.

Currently supported adapters include:

  • Intel® Killer™ Wireless Products
  • Intel® Killer™ Ethernet Products

If you have such a device, and you connect to a router such as the WRT32X, and it does not recognize your adapter as an Intel Killer Enabled Device, then you may need to update your Intel Killer Control Center.


To use Intel Killer Control Center, you need Intel Killer Networking hardware installed in your computer. The Intel Killer Control Center is not needed if you are using the router with any other wireless or wired network adapter other than Intel Killer Networking adapter. All settings are in the router’s built-in interface.

You can find the latest Intel Killer Control Center with the latest drivers here for all Killer Wireless and Ethernet adapters.

    If you experience any problems installing the latest Intel Killer Control Center, we recommend clean-installing the latest version.


    XBOX* devices will not show as an Intel Killer Enabled Device on the WRT32X or the WRT32XB. The WRT32XB will identify the XBOX, though, and allow you to set its priority within the router’s user interface.


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    Installing or Updating the Intel® Killer™ Control Center
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