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How to Find the Material Master Number (MM#) of a Product

Content Type: Identify My Product   |   Article ID: 000059078   |   Last Reviewed: 07/29/2022


Operating System

OS Independent family


Need to find the MM# of a product


  1. Go to the product specification page (ARK)..
  2. Search the specifications using the model number,  such as 5120 to view the technical specifications for the Intel® Xeon® Gold 5120 Processor.
  3. Click Ordering and Compliance.
  4. Scroll down the information to the PCCN/MDDS Information.
  5. Under the Spec number, the MM# (6-digit alphanumeric value) will be listed. If more than one MM# is listed, the lowest value (such as 957339) is typically the tray version.

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This article applies to 1 products.
Intel® Corporation