Temporary workaround for missing PXE Boot while using OpROM firmware v1.1.28
PXE boot stopped working after updating the OpROM firmware version to v1.1.28.
The workaround is downgrading the OpROM firmware version to v1.0.66 (using package v22.10).
Intel® Ethernet Connections Boot Utility, Preboot Images, and EFI Drivers
Download Intel® Ethernet Connections Boot Utility, Preboot Images, and EFI Drivers version: 22.10.
- The link gives the Windows* (PREBOOT.EXE) and Linux* (Preboot.tar.gz) options.
Windows steps
PREBOOT.EXE is a self-extracting archive and contains documentation, utilities, and boot images for Windows, Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI), and DOS.
To extract the files:
- Download the file. Double-click to execute this file in Windows.
- Accept the license agreement.
- Choose the path where you want to extract the files.
After the files finish extraction, the User Guide will launch.
Linux steps
The steps are available at the bottom of the Detailed Description section (right side of the webpage).