How to fix the "WsmanUnauthorizedException" error when using PowerShell* to call all cmdlets included in the Intel VPro* SDK
When run commands that query the status of the AMT configuration get an unauthorized error.
- Get-AMTSetup command, it fails at when discover() is invoked: Add-Type -Path "C:\PowershellModules\IntelvProModule\Bin\IntelvPro\Intel.Wsman.Scripting.dll" $me = new-Object 'Intel.Management.Mei.MeDevice'$result = new-Object 'System.Object' $MeEnabled=$me.Enable() $me.Discover() Exception calling "Discover" with "0" argument(s): "Unauthorized"At C:\Users\xAdministrator\Desktop\AMTtesting.ps1:9 char:1+ $me.Discover()+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : WsmanUnauthorizedException
- Other "Get" commands produce similar Unauthorized messages.
The problem is a bug in the local Security Settings. The commands do not work if the following local policy is enabled:
System cryptography > Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing.
Change the setting to disabled, then reboot the system, after that the error will no longer appears.
This is a bug with the SDK on AMT versions or earlier.