Five steps to reset the Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) Platform Software (PSW) after a BIOS update
- Installed Intel® Software Guard Extensions SDK (Intel® SGX SDK) and Platform Software (PSW).
- Updated BIOS.
- Call to sgx_init_quote returns 1 in custom remote attestation application.
- Uninstall Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) Platform Software (PSW).
- Disable Intel SGX in BIOS.
- Reboot.
- Enable Intel SGX in BIOS.
- Reinstall PSW.
Additional information
A return value of 1 from a call to any Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) API function indicates SGX_ERROR_UNEXPECTED. This usually occurs when an Intel SGX component has been improperly installed. Fully uninstalling the Intel SGX software stack and reinstalling usually resolves these problems.