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Color Banding on Dell* Laptops with Intel® Integrated Graphics

Content Type: Troubleshooting   |   Article ID: 000058160   |   Last Reviewed: 12/18/2023


6th-10th Generation Intel Processors with integrated graphics Dell* XPS and Dell* Precision notebook systems Dell* Premier Color application


When viewing an image or video playback on the darker part (low-end blacks) systems with Intel 6th-10th Generation Intel Processors with integrated graphics experience color banding (contouring) issues on Dell* XPS and Dell* Precision notebook systems with the Dell* Premier Color application.


This is a known issue on Dell* XPS laptops with the Dell* Premier Color application installed. The application is changing the Wide Gamut color calibration in a way that conflicts with the Intel integrated graphics.

A workaround to resolve the issue is to:

  1. Uninstall or disable the Dell Premier Color app.
  2. Open the Intel Graphics Command Center.
  3. Navigate to Display -> Color.
  4. Click the “Restore to Original Color” button.

If the issue persists, contact Dell Support.

Additional information

For Dell's official stament about this issue, refer to Color Banding with Dell Premier Color Application with Intel integrated Graphics.