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Node Crashed with Platform Event Filter (PEF) Action Asserted

Content Type: Error Messages   |   Article ID: 000057950   |   Last Reviewed: 07/18/2022


Operating System

OS Independent
Rack Scale Design Direct


Node crashed and the System Event Log (SEL) shows the following:

480 | 11/17/2020 | 15:53:28 | Power Unit #0x01 | Power off/down | Asserted

481 | 11/17/2020 | 15:53:28 | System Event #0x08 | PEF Action | Asserted

482 | 11/17/2020 | 15:53:34 | Voltage #0x0b | State Asserted | Asserted


This could be caused by the power supply subsystem or system components. As a result, proceed as follows:

  1. Verify all power cables and adapters are connected properly [AC (electrical outlet power) cables as well as the cables between the power supply unit (PSU) and system components].
  2. Cross-test the PSU, if possible.

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