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What is the Recommended Customer Price for Intel® Xeon® Processor?

Content Type: Product Information & Documentation   |   Article ID: 000057386   |   Last Reviewed: 07/07/2021


Checking the recommended price for Intel® Xeon® Processors


To check pricing information for an Intel® Xeon® processor:

  1. Go to the Intel Product Specifications site (ARK).
  2. Search by processor number or navigate to your processor by selecting Processors > Intel® Xeon® Processor > select the processor family you are interested in > select a specific processor.
  3. The Recommended Customer Price is in the Essentials section of the site.
  4. If this price is not available in the Essentials  section, select Ordering and Compliance. The price may be listed in the Ordering and spec information section.
NoteIf price information is not in the Essentials or in the Ordering and spec information sections of the processor's specifications page, contact your processor vendor, an Intel® Authorized Distributor, or Intel® Approved Component Supplier to obtain the latest pricing and availability information.