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How to Check the Reliability Specifications of Intel® SSDs

Content Type: Product Information & Documentation   |   Article ID: 000057359   |   Last Reviewed: 11/07/2022


Where do I find information about the reliability Intel® SSDs (such as vibration, operating temperature, endurance, and others)


For all Intel® SSDs, the product specification page (ARK) includes a section about Reliability with different specifications and details such as the endurance rating, the operating temperature range or the warranty period.

Follow these steps to find to the Reliability section:

  1. Access product specification page (ARK).
  2. Click on Memory and Storage.
  3. Select the SSD type.
  4. Select the SSD family.
  5. Select the SSD model.
  6. Once the SSD is selected, scroll down to the Reliability section.