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Error Code 0xA00906B3 - Intel® RST Service Disruption

Content Type: Error Messages   |   Article ID: 000056936   |   Last Reviewed: 03/24/2022


Operating System

Windows® 10, 64-bit*


The following Error Code was received when managing an Intel® Optane™ memory device: 0xA00906B3.


The Intel® Rapid Storge Technology (Intel® RST) service has stopped responding.


  • Back up all data/files before proceeding with the steps below.
  • If the error was encountered while launching/opening the Intel Optane Memory and Storage Management, update the Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver to the latest version available for your platform.
  • Always verify that the BIOS is set up properly for your platform. Verify the steps in the proper installation guide.

Steps to resolve:

In some cases rebooting the system has resolved the issue, it is recommended to try this first. If this does not resolve the issue, see the steps below.

Restart the Service RstMwRpc:

  1. Search for the Services Windows app (Open Windows Menu and type services).
  2. Select the Services app.
  3. Press Yes if the User Account Control popup appears.
  4. Restart the service by following the steps below:
    1. Locate the RstMwRpc service.
    2. Right-click and select Restart from the menu.
  5. If error persists, Disable acceleration and uninstall the application.
  6. After restart, reinstall the application and enable acceleration.


If the error persists or any additional help is needed, contact support under Memory and Storage.