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Windows* Hardware Certification Information for the Intel® NUC Laptop Kits

Content Type: Product Information & Documentation   |   Article ID: 000056880   |   Last Reviewed: 11/21/2022

Intel® NUC Laptop Kits and WHQL

Intel® NUC Laptop Kits are submitted to Windows* Hardware Quality Lab (WHQL) for participation in the Motherboard Logo Program. Successful passage of the WHQL tests results in the Designed for Windows* logo for qualifying products.

When you see the Designed for Windows logo, it signifies that the product meets Microsoft standards for hardware compatibility with Windows.

The types of reports from Microsoft have evolved over time and include the following (not all reports will apply to all products):

Logo Verification reports

Logo Verification reports provide verification from Microsoft that a product qualifies for the Designed for Windows logo.

MLP reports

Motherboard Logo Program (MLP) reports describe the testing conducted by Intel.

PLMP reports

Previously Logo’d Motherboard Program (PLMP) reports describe the Previously Logo’d Motherboard Program testing conducted by Intel.

WHC reports

Windows Hardware Certification (WHC) reports describe the testing conducted by Intel for Windows* 8 certification. You can use the Windows Certified Products List to find the latest certified products.

Product Report (PDF) PDF icon
Intel® NUC X15 Laptop Kits - LAPAC71G & LAPAC71H
Windows 11* 64-bit Logo Verification Report PDF icon
Intel® NUC M15 Laptop Kits - LAPRC510 & LAPRC710
Windows 11* 64-bit Logo Verification Report PDF icon
Intel® NUC X15 Laptop Kits - LAPKC71X & LAPKC51E
Windows® 10 64-bit Logo Verification Report PDF icon
Intel® NUC M15 Laptop Kits - LAPBC510 & LAPBC710
Windows® 10 64-bit Logo Verification Report PDF icon
Intel® NUC 9 Extreme Laptop Kits - LAPQC71A, LAPQC71B, LAPQC71C & LAPQC71D
Windows® 10 64-bit Logo Verification Report PDF icon

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