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How to Clean Intel® Optane™ Memory Metadata Using the Intel® Optane™ Memory and Storage Management Application

Content Type: Troubleshooting   |   Article ID: 000056676   |   Last Reviewed: 09/19/2022


Operating System

Windows® 10, 64-bit*


The Intel® Optane™ Memory module is not recognized by Windows® 10, is not visible in Diskpart or Disk Management, but it is visible in BIOS or by Intel® tools such as the Intel® Memory and Storage Tool (Intel MAS).



The following steps can be used to clean the metadata in Intel® Optane™ memory:

  1. Install the Intel® Optane™ Memory and Storage Management.
  2. Open the application and click the Manage tab. The Intel® Optane™ memory will appear as a PCIe* device.
  3. Click Intel® Optane™ memory and then click Clear Metadata. A confirmation screen will show, explaining that old data in the module will be erased.

After the process is complete, Intel® Optane™ memory can be enabled again from the Intel® Optane™ Memory tab.

An alternative option to clear the Intel Optane's metadata is by going to the motherboard's BIOS. Refer to the board's manual to get the steps in clearing the metadata.

Additional information

This issue may be caused by several reasons:

  1. Reinstalling the OS without disabling Intel® Optane™ memory beforehand from the application
  2. Replacing the drive being accelerated by the Intel® Optane™ memory without deconcatenating the module first
  3. Installing an Intel® Optane™ memory that was originally enabled in a different system