How to Get the SMART Attributes of an Intel® Optane™ SSD Using the Intel® Memory and Storage Tool GUI and CLI
Content Type: Maintenance & Performance | Article ID: 000056580 | Last Reviewed: 02/27/2025
What Intel tools are available to retrieve SMART logs from Intel® SSDs?
[Windows*] Open Command Prompt as Administrator
Click Windows Start
Type Command Prompt
Click on Run as administrator
[Linux*] Open Terminal with root privileges
Press CTRL + ALT + T
Type sudo su
Ensure the command line interface begins with # and not $; as this indicates user has root privileges
Type intelmas.exe show -intelssd
Type intelmas.exe show -nvmelog smarthealthinfo -intelssd <ssd_index>
Note | Additional logs can be output for NVMe*/PCIe* drives by adding IncludeNVMeSmartHealthLog=true to the end of the command above |
Copy-paste the screen scroll into a text file and provide this to support agents.
To learn how to read the SMART attributes information, refer to the following article: