How to use Intel Product Specifications site to find thermal information for the Intel® Xeon® E-2100/E-2200 Processors
Looking for thermal resistances inside the Intel® Xeon® E-2100/E-2200 Processor from Junction of the case and the board, max junction temperature, and max case temperature.
Intel makes available publicly only the Tcase information for Intel® Xeon® processors for servers in the Intel Product Specifications website (ARK). Tcase is the maximum temperature allowed at the processor Integrated Heat Spreader (IHS). To view the processor's Tcase value:
- Visit the Intel Product Specification website.
- View the list of Intel Xeon E-2100/E-2200 processors by selecting Processors > Intel® Xeon® Processors > Intel® Xeon E Processor.
- View a processor's specification page. The Tcase information is in the Package Specifications section.
If you have access to the Intel Resource Design Center (RDC), you can view the confidential Thermal Design Guide for the Intel Xeon E-2100/E-2200 processors in RDC Document # 571296. For information on how to register for RDC access, see the Experience What's Inside section on the Sign In page.