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What Happens if the Operating System Is Reinstalled but Intel® Optane™ Memory Was Not Disabled Beforehand?

Content Type: Troubleshooting   |   Article ID: 000056066   |   Last Reviewed: 07/23/2021


Operating system (OS) was reinstalled in UEFI mode.


Reinstalled Windows® 10 clean but now the Intel® Optane™ memory is not paired with the boot drive and it shows too many volumes and partitions.


There are two possible scenarios when using the Intel® Optane™ memory to accelerate a drive:

  1. Primary drive acceleration: The Intel® Optane™ memory will have some operating system files shared and stored between the module and the drive being accelerated.
  2. Secondary drive acceleration: The Intel® Optane™ memory will have some files stored and shared between the module and the drive being accelerated.

If the operating system was reinstalled without the Intel® Optane™ memory being disabled beforehand, follow these steps to recover the module:

  1. Format the Intel® Optane™ memory.
    • Disabling the module before any system changes is highly recommended. If the operating system was reinstalled before disabling it, most likely it will not be properly recognized. However, if possible, disable the module before formatting it. Specific instructions about disabling the module are available in How to Disable System Acceleration with Intel® Optane™ Memory.
    • Back up your data before attempting any formatting process.
  2. Re-enable the acceleration as needed based on the two scenarios above. Specific instructions about enabling the module are available in How to Install and Manage Intel® Optane™ Memory Devices.