Where to Buy Spare Accessories for Intel® Compute Sticks


Product Codes & Spare Parts



Intel® Compute Sticks include a variety of accessories in the box. Many online retail sites offer new or used parts (or comparable parts) for purchase.

Online retailer Shipping regions Parts offered
Amazon Worldwide Power adapters,
Ebay Worldwide Power adapters
Rakuten Japan Power adapters
Simply NUC
Simply NUC UK
Worldwide Power adapters

See below for specifications and other information about accessories for Intel Compute Sticks.

Power adapters

Adapter voltage (V) and watts (W) Plug or connector information Used on product
5V 20W

USB3.1 Type C

USB3.1 Type C

Intel® Compute Stick STK2m364CC
Intel® Compute Stick STK2m3W64CC
Intel® Compute Stick STK2mv64CC
5V 15W

Micro USB 2.0 Type B

Micro USB 2.0 Type B 5V 15W

Intel® Compute Stick STK1AW32SC
Intel® Compute Stick STK1A32SC
5V 10W

Micro USB 2.0 Type B

Micro USB 2.0 Type B 5V 10W

Intel® Compute Stick STCK1A8LFC
Intel® Compute Stick STCK1A32WFC