Intel® SSDs: Extracting System Logs for Debug





In case of system crashing/screen of death/SSD IO timeouts and many other situations, obtaining system logs is imperative for further debug. This article describes how to extract system logs from Windows* and Linux* systems.

Extracting System Logs in Windows and Linux


  • In the system root folder, the "screen of death" info is present in a file similar to mem.dmp. It could also be in a folder with a name similar to memorydump. Obtain this file.

    AND / OR

  • Go to the Windows start menu and type Event Viewer to get the window shown below. Save all the events and obtain the .zip file.

    Event Viewer


Kernel logs (such as VMkernel.log) is very helpful for debug in case of a crash, as well as a detailed log of steps that led to the crash - the more information, the better!

For system logs: $ Dmesg > dmesg.log
OS version: $ cat /etc/*-release
Kernel version: $ uname –a

However, dmesg is the kernel ring buffer and only shows messages from the current boot process.

If there has been a system crash or reboot, the logs are dumped in /var/log/messages.

There are several other logs in /var/logs that may be useful, depending on the Linux distribution.

These are a few useful ones:

/var/log/Xorg.0.log /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old~/.xsession-errors /var/log/messages

/var/log/Xorg.0.log /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old

Identify and provide the file with relevant information to the system crash or issue.

For just the last x number of lines in any Linux system, one can use the parameter in the end of less or more commands in Linux:
| tail -x (or) | last -x
This depends on the kernel version.