There is an issue with the latest driver package for the embedded Intel® Ethernet Connection X722 for the Intel® Server Board S2600WF.
There is an issue with the latest driver package for the embedded Intel® Ethernet Connection X722 for the Intel® Server Board S2600WF. Driver installation is successful but the drivers are not being recognized under the properties of the Network connection under device manager and different installation links have been utilized. The message on the properties of device manager is the following one:
No drivers are installed for this device
Proceed with the following troubleshooting steps to determine what the issue could be related to:
- Proceed to make sure the latest drivers are installed. The link for them can be found here:
Onboard Network Driver for Windows* Make sure the installation is being performed from the executable that came with the drivers.
- Proceed also to install the complete driver pack in addition if the issue persists, but make sure the previous installation is removed.
Intel® Ethernet Adapter Complete Driver Pack
- Check the LED behavior of the RJ45 connector on the back of the motherboard and analyze its results with the TPS (Technical Product Specification) for the WF family that can be found here:
Technical Specifications for the Intel® Server Board and Intel® Server System Based on Intel® Server Board S2600WF Family
- Perform a CLEAR BIOS settings of the motherboard using the same TPS (Technical Product Specification), under page 105 and use the jumper J2B1 with the instructions underneath it.
- To isolate if this is related an specific Windows Revision, please install a different Operating System without any updates whatsoever and check if the issue replicates.
- If issue remains same, Please contact Support for further help.
Driver installation for Microsoft* Windows Server 2016.