Technical Support Request and Data Collection Commands for Intel® Optane™ Persistent Memory





This article describes the technical support request and data collection commands for Intel® Optane™ persistent memory.

Submit a technical support request after collecting the information below. Navigate the Online Service Center to submit tickets.

Technical Support Request

  1. Open one case per each issue.
  2. Title or subject should capture a concise summary of the problem:
    • Describe the main issue.
    • If desired, indicate the urgency.
  3. Customer information:
    • Name
    • Contact information (email and phone)
    • Organization
    • Job title
  4. Product information can be found from label:
    • Serial Number
    • Module Capacity
    • Work Order Number
    • Product Name
    • Part Number
    • PBA Number
  5. Provide detailed description and failure analysis information:
    • Operating conditions and how issue was discovered.
    • What causes the failing state, and can Intel duplicate issues?
    • How is it misbehaving and are there error messages?
    • What troubleshooting steps have been taken?
    • Is this a new issue?
    • How was the system behaving prior to encountering the issue?
    • Frequency of occurrence (always? random? under some conditions? other?)
  6. Indicate urgency:
    • Describe business/project impact.
    • Give your assessment of the severity of the issue.
    • Provide current state (back in production, partially usable, or problem no longer exists).
  7. Take basic troubleshooting steps:
    • Ensure DRAM and PMem devices adheres to DIMM slot location policy.
    • Verify OS and BIOS firmware complies according to approved versions.
  8. See following Data Collection Request
    • Provide command outputs and logs/captures from suspected server.

Data Collection Commands for Analysis

  • Send "#" command and collect output.
  • Collect other logs.
Note PMem manageability support is available in Linux open source for "ipmctl" and "ndctl".
  • Server and firmware versions:

    # hostnamectl
    # dmidecode -t bios
    # lscpu (or, cat /proc/cpuinfo)
    # uname -a
    # dmidecode | grep -A4 '^Base Board Information'

  • Memory and storage specifics:

    # df
    # cat /proc/meminfo (| head -3)
    # free <-m | -t -m>
    # dmidecode -t 16 
    # dmidecode -t 17

  • Log collections:

    dmesg -T > dmesg_T_<hostname>_<yyyymmdd>
    syslog (/var/log/messages)
    SEL logs (System Event Log)

  • ipmtl Management Support Commands:

    # ipmctl show -topology
    # ipmctl show -dimm
    # ipmctl show -firmware
    # ipmctl show -memoryresources
    # ipmctl show -region
    # ipmctl show -sensor
    # ipmctl show -error (Thermal|Media) -dimm 
    # ipmctl show -d BootStatus –dim
    # ipmctl dump -destination <hostname_debugdump_log_yyyymmdd> -debug -dimm <0x0001>
    # ipmctl dump -destination <hostname_supportdump_log_yyyymmdd> -support