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Reset the BMC to Defaults Using the Integrated BMC Web Console

Content Type: Troubleshooting   |   Article ID: 000029866   |   Last Reviewed: 10/27/2022


I want to reset the BMC to defaults without power-cycling the server through the Integrated BMC Web Console.


Refer to the System Defaults section of the User Guide for Intel® Remote Management Module 4 (Intel® RMM4) and Integrated BMC document. This section of the document explains how to reset all BMC settings to factory defaults.

  1. (Optional, available on newer BMC versions) Select Keep User and LAN configuration to keep the current user credentials and BMC LAN configuration.
    Restoring to default without this option enabled will result in BMC not accessible until the BMC user credential and LAN configuration are reconfigured:
    • in the BIOS, which requires physical access to the server or
    • using IPMI commands from the local host Operating System
  2. Click the Restore button to reset all BMC settings to factory defaults. 

example image

Once completed, all remote management, including the web server, will not be accessible until users and network settings are restored locally. Settings lost include, but are not limited to:

  • All network addresses and settings
  • Power restore policies
  • Platform event filters
  • Alert destinations


This does not affect the BMC's system event log, sensor data repository, or any Node Manager Settings and policies.

NoteThis action will reset all BMC settings to factory defaults and cannot be undone.