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How To Create an Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) NVMe* RAID Volume on the Intel® Server Board S2600WF and Intel® Server Board S2600ST Product Family

Content Type: Install & Setup   |   Article ID: 000027495   |   Last Reviewed: 01/31/2025


Intel® Server Board S2600WF | Intel® Server Board S2600ST


Unable to create a RAID volume with NVMe* drives via Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC).



To create an Intel® VROC RAID volume, follow the steps below:

  1. Connect the NVMe* drives from the backplane to the server board using the onboard Optical Copper Link (OCuLink)* connectors (or PCIe* switches/Retimer) with the OCuLink cables (for example, OCuLink Cable Kit AXXCBL665CVCV). In this article, we will use onboard connectors. In the event of only one processor is installed, use either PCIe* SSD0 or PCIe SSD1 connectors as shown below:

    PCIe SSD0 and PCIe SSD1 connectors

  2. For installed NVMe* devices to utilize the Intel® Volume Management Device (Intel® VMD) features of the server board, it must be enabled in BIOS for the appropriate CPU PCIe root ports.
    1. Navigate to Advanced / PCI Configuration / Volume Management Device and enable the Intel® VMD OCuLink(s) as shown below:Volume Management Device menu 1


      Volume Management Device menu 2
    2. After enabling the Intel® VMD OCuLink(s), save and reboot back to the BIOS.
  3. Navigate to Advanced / PCI Configuration / UEFI Option ROM. Scroll down and select the option Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU.UEFI Option ROM Control menu
  4. Select the option All Intel VMD Controllers and select the option Create RAID Volume as shown below:

    Select All Intel VMD Controllers


    Raid Volume Info