Intel® PROSet for Windows PowerShell* Software


Install & Setup



The IntelNetcmdlets module contains several cmdlets that allow you to configure and manage the Intel® Ethernet Adapters and devices present in your system.

System requirements

  • Windows PowerShell* version 2.0
  • .NET version 2.0

How do I use Intel® PROSet for Windows PowerShell* software?

  1. Open Windows PowerShell from Start Menu or press Win+R, type Powershell, and press Enter.
  2. To use the Import-Module cmdlet, specify the path and the name of the module. For example:
    PS c:\> Import-Module -Name "C:\Program Files\Intel\Wired Networking\IntelNetCmdlets\IntelNetCmdlets"
User-added image

Adapter cmdlets

  • Get-IntelNetAdapter
    Displays basic information about adapters present in the system.

  • Get-IntelNetAdapterBandwidthPercentages
    Displays the bandwidth percentages for a network partition.

  • Get-IntelNetAdapterProfileSettings
    Displays the settings and their values for the specified adapter and profile combination.

  • Get-IntelNetAdapterSetting
    Displays the adapter settings.

  • Get-IntelNetAdapterStatus
    Displays the FCoE, DCB, Virtualization, or General status for the specified adapters, depending on the value supplied for the -Status parameter.

  • Get-IntelNetIscsiBootCrashDump
    Displays the current status (enabled or disabled) of the Microsoft* Windows Server* iSCSI Boot Crash Dump feature. If enabled, the iSCSI Boot Crash Dump feature generates a dump file if the system blue screens while iSCSI-booted.

  • Set-IntelNetAdapterMaximumBandwidthPercentage Allows you to change the maximum bandwidth percentage for a network partition.

  • Set-IntelNetAdapterMinimumBandwidthPercentage
    Allows you to change the minimum bandwidth percentage for all network partitions bound to a physical port.

  • Set-IntelNetAdapterSetting
    Allows you to change settings on an Intel Ethernet Adapter.

  • Set-IntelNetIscsiBootCrashDump
    Allows you to enable or disable the Microsoft* Windows Server* iSCSI Boot Crash Dump feature. If enabled, the iSCSI Boot Crash Dump feature generates a dump file if the system blue screens while iSCSI-booted. You must restart the system for the change to take effect. Also, Microsoft Windows* iSCSI Initiator must be running before you enable the iSCSI Boot Crash Dump feature.

  • Test-IntelNetDiagnostics
    Runs connection, cable, and hardware tests on the specified adapter and displays the results.
    Note Not all devices support every diagnostic test.

  • Test-IntelNetIdentifyAdapter
    Blink the LED on the specified port. You can also specify how long the LED will blink.


Team cmdlets

  • Add-IntelNetTeamMember
    Adds a new team member to an existing Intel® Advanced Network Services (Intel® ANS) Team. The new team member can be piped into the cmdlet or passed in using the adapter's name. An Intel ANS team can contain a maximum of eight members.

  • Get-IntelNetTeam
    Returns the Intel ANS teams present on the system.

  • Get-IntelNetTeamSetting
    Displays all the changeable team settings.

  • New-IntelNetTeam
    Creates a new Intel ANS team consisting of one or more adapters. A team may consist of both Intel and non-Intel adapters. Adapter objects obtained from Get-IntelNetAdapter may be passed into this cmdlet using the TeamMembers parameter.

  • Remove-IntelNetTeam
    Removes the specified Intel ANS team.

  • Remove-IntelNetTeamMember
    Allows you to remove a team member from an Intel ANS team. The team member can be piped into the cmdlet or passed in using the team member's name.

  • Set-IntelNetTeam
    Allows you to change the name of the team, the teaming mode, the primary adapter, and the secondary adapter of the team.

  • Set-IntelNetTeamSetting
    Allows you to change settings on an Intel ANS team.


VLAN cmdlets

  • Add-IntelNetVLAN
    Allows you to add a new VLAN interface to either an Intel Ethernet Adapter or Intel ANS team. The new VLAN is added by specifying one or more VLAN IDs. The parent device can be specified either by name or by object.

  • Get-IntelNetVLAN
    Returns the VLANs bound to the parent device. The parent device can either be an adapter or an Intel ANS team.

  • Get-IntelNetVLANJumboPacket
    Returns the Jumbo Packet setting for the specified VLAN.

  • Remove-IntelNetVLAN
    Allows you to remove one or more VLAN interfaces from a parent device. The parent device can either be an adapter or Intel ANS team.

  • Set-IntelNetVLAN
    Modifies an existing VLAN by changing either the VLAN ID or VLAN name. The VLAN is identified based on the VLAN ID.

  • Set-IntelNetVLANJumboPacket
    Allows you to change the VLAN Jumbo Packet setting.


FCoE cmdlets

  • Add-IntelNetFcoeVirtualPort
    Creates a new virtual port for an FCoE miniport on the specified adapter.

  • Get-IntelNetFcoeFabric
    Displays the Fabric information for each storage miniport on the system.

  • Get-IntelNetFcoeLUN
    Displays the LUN information for each FCoE target on the system.

  • Get-IntelNetFcoePort
    Displays the port information for each FCoE port on the system.

  • Get-IntelNetFcoeSetting
    Displays the setting information for each FCoE miniport instance on the system.

  • Get-IntelNetFcoeTarget
    Displays the target information for each FCoE port on the system.

  • Get-IntelNetFcoeVLAN
    Displays the VLAN information for each FCoE miniport on the system.

  • Remove-IntelNetFcoeVirtualPort
    Removes the specified virtual port from the specified FCoE miniport.

  • Set-IntelNetFcoeSetting
    Allows you to change FCoE setting information on the system.

Is PowerShell for PROSet available as an individual download? How do I import the module?

Run the following command using PowerShell to import the module: Import-Module -Name "C:\Program Files\Intel\Wired Networking\IntelNetCmdlets\IntelNetCmdlets"