Notification of Intel® Galileo Shipment Restrictions


Product Information & Documentation



Updated: January 15, 2015, 8:00 am US/PT

Intel® Galileo Gen 2 development boards with power supply units provided by CUI (Galileo2, Galileo 2.G) cannot be shipped or sold into:

  • Cambodia
  • Japan
  • Kenya
  • Kuwait
  • Moldavia
  • Nigeria
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Serbia
  • Uzbekistan

Intel® Galileo Gen 2 development board GALILEO2.P cannot be shipped or sold into Japan.

Intel® Galileo Gen 2 MM# Power Supply Unit Cannot Be Shipped or Sold Into
GALILEO2 (retail) 934953 CUI Model: EMSA120150-P5P-SZ (12V/1.5A) Cambodia, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Moldavia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Uzbekistan
GALILEO2.G (university) 934954 CUI Model: EMSA120150-P5P-SZ (12V/1.5A) Cambodia, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Moldavia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Uzbekistan
GALILEO2.P (retail) 938647 Phihong Model:PSA15R-120P (12V/1.25A) Japan
GALILEO2.N 940738 None No Restrictions

Please continue to check this website for any updates regarding future shipments of Intel® Galileo and Intel® Galileo Gen 2.