Troubleshooting Firewall Issues for Intel® WiDi





Note Intel no longer provides email, chat, or phone support for this product. Visit the product discontinuation notice for Intel® WiDi.


Sometimes the laptop firewall blocks the Wi-Fi connection between your laptop and the TV adapter. To resolve this issue, you need to manually allow a program through the firewall. The following instructions apply to a Windows* Firewall.

  1. Click Windows Start icon. In the search field, type Allow.
  2. Click Allow a program through Windows* Firewall from the search results list.
  3. Scroll down to these names in the list, WiDiApp and Wireless PAN DHCP Server, and select the check boxes for Name, Home/Work Private, and Public.
  4. Click OK and connect again.
Note To allow Intel® Wireless Display through a different firewall, see the instructions for that product.