ISO Store Directory Can Become Unavailable for Intel® Compute Module MFS2600KI/MFS5520VIR
The Cluster Share shares the ISO Store directory on the Modular Server. This pre-installed folder is reserved to hold software and data for use by virtual machines.
If the ISO Store mapping is no longer accessible from the client:
- Log into the CMM. If you cannot log into the CMM, check your network setup.
- Make sure at least one compute module is virtualized and powered on. At least one compute module must be virtualized and powered on to allow access to the ISO Store.
- Go to Settings > Virtualization > Cluster Share > Export Cluster Share > Disabled > Save Changes. After the changes are saved, set Export Cluster Share back to Enabled.
- Try from a different client.
If the ISO Store is accessible from the client, but the virtual machine errors with The installation media became unavailable:
- Ensure your client OS is on the Tested hardware and operating system list (THOL).
- Delete the existing ISO from the ISO Store, make a new drive mapping, and copy the ISO back to the ISO Store share.