Technical Product Specification for Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BK1-E and Intel® Entry Server Platform SR1425BK1-E
This Technical Product Specification (TPS) provides you with detail to the architecture and feature set of the Intel® Entry Server Board SE7221BK1-E and Intel® Entry Server Platform SR1425BK1-E.
The target audience for this document is anyone wanting to obtain more in-depth detail of the Intel® Server Board than what is generally made available in the board's Users Guide. This technical document is intended to assist you with understanding and learning more about the specific features of the board.
Information available in this Technical Product Specification includes:
Intel® Server Board SE7221BK1-E Technical Product Specification
Technical Product Specification (PDF)
File name: se7221bk1tps.pdf
Size: 488 KB
Date: September 2005
File revision: 1.5
Intel® Server Platform SR1425BK1-E Technical Product Specification
Technical Product Specification (PDF)
File name: sr1425bk1tps.pdf
Size: 1.93 MB
Date: November 2004
File revision: 1.0
Note: PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader*.