Installing Windows* 2008 R2 and 2012 Using More Than 2TB HD in Intel® Rapid Storage Technology enterprise (Intel® RSTe) for Intel® Server Boards and Intel® Server Systems


Install & Setup



To install Microsoft Windows 2008 R2* and Windows 2012*, using more than a 2-TB hard drive in Intel® Rapid Storage Technology enterprise (Intel® RSTe):

  1. Create RAID array using Intel RSTe.
  2. Save and reboot to EFI shell.
  3. Insert the Windows installation DVD and type map -r. You should mount the CD-ROM device on either fs0 or fs1.
  4. Type fsx: where x here is either 0 or 1, which is the CD-ROM.
  5. Type cd \efi\boot.
  6. Type bootx64.efi to boot the installation DVD. You may need to press a key immediately when you see the prompt to boot from DVD.
  7. Follow the normal steps to install Windows. Remember to load the latest Intel RSTe driver during the installation, even though Windows might detect the HDD using the embedded driver.
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