Installing Windows* 2008 R2 and 2012 Using More Than 2TB HD in Intel® Rapid Storage Technology enterprise (Intel® RSTe) for Intel® Server Boards and Intel® Server Systems
To install Microsoft Windows 2008 R2* and Windows 2012*, using more than a 2-TB hard drive in Intel® Rapid Storage Technology enterprise (Intel® RSTe):
- Create RAID array using Intel RSTe.
- Save and reboot to EFI shell.
- Insert the Windows installation DVD and type map -r. You should mount the CD-ROM device on either fs0 or fs1.
- Type fsx: where x here is either 0 or 1, which is the CD-ROM.
- Type cd \efi\boot.
- Type bootx64.efi to boot the installation DVD. You may need to press a key immediately when you see the prompt to boot from DVD.
- Follow the normal steps to install Windows. Remember to load the latest Intel RSTe driver during the installation, even though Windows might detect the HDD using the embedded driver.