Learn If DDC/CI Is Supported for Graphics Drivers





The Intel® Graphics Drivers support the VESA Display Data Channel/Command Interface (DDC/CI) across a DVI, HDMI*, VGA, or DisplayPort* connection.

To access DDC/CI, third-party applications will need to use the Intel graphics driver's API (Application Programming Interface) functions via the driver's CUI SDK (Common User Interface Software Development Kit). The driver's API functions and SDK are not publicly available content and are for developers use only. To request access to the Intel graphics driver's API Specification and CUI SDK, an application's developer should contact their Intel sales representative for assistance or request assistance from their motherboard manufacturer, computer manufacturer, or an Intel® Authorized Distributor.

On Windows Vista* and Windows 7* operating systems, third-party applications may access DDC/CI using either the Intel graphics driver's API functions via the Intel CUI SDK or using the operating system's Monitor Configuration API functions via the Windows* SDK. These operating system API functions are new to Windows Vista and Windows 7 and are not supported in previous versions of Windows.

If your application is having difficulty accessing DDC/CI via a DisplayPort connection, please use the latest graphics driver.