Data Rate Won't Exceed 54 Mbps When WEP or TKIP Encryption is Configured





What is the problem?

Client device's Wi-Fi data rate will not exceed 54 Mbps when wired equivalent privacy (WEP) or temporal key integrity protocol (TKIP) encryption is configured.

What is causing the problem?

The IEEE* 802.11n draft prohibits using high throughput with WEP or TKIP as the unicast cipher. If you use these encryption methods (for example, WEP, WPA-TKIP), your data rate will drop to 54 Mbps. The latest Intel® Wireless Adapter client drivers connect using a legacy IEEE 802.11g connection rather than failing to connect altogether, which complies with the IEEE 802.11n draft.


  1. Contact your Wi-Fi access point (AP) or router manufacturer to download the latest firmware version, or get information on particular models supporting High Throughput.
  2. Disable packet bursting or similar features
  3. Configure the Wi-Fi client device's profile to use Wi-Fi Protected Access* (WPA2-AES or WPA2-TKIP).
  4. Configure the AP or router to match the client profile.

Some AP or router manufacturers may not have updated firmware solutions for devices sold outside of the United States.