Learn about Intel® PROSet Wireless Profile Migration Tool
Deployment Models
Typical Usage
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PSMT is the Intel® PROSet wireless Profile Migration Tool for Intel® PROSet/Wireless Advanced Enterprise Software. It is a stand-alone software tool used to migrate Intel® PROSet/Wireless profiles from Windows XP* to Windows 7*. In addition, PSMT can also serve as a user profile archiving tool allowing user profiles to be archived and restored as needed.
The Intel® PROSet wireless Profile Migration Tool comes in two variants:
- A 32-bit variant for XP and Windows 7
- A 64-bit variant for XP and Windows 7
Deployment models
There are two deployment models for PSMT:
- On older versions of PROSet, PSMT can be executed without first being installed. Simply copy PSMT to the host machine and launch it from the command line.
- In this deployment model, the PSMT binaries are named after the bit-ness that they support.
PSMT32.exe is the 32-bit variant.
PSMT64.exe is the 64-bit variant. - The default location of the profile archive is the current directory of the process.
- PSMT is installed into the PROSet bin folder as part of the installation process.
- In this deployment model, both 32-bit and 64-bit variants are named as PSMT.exe.
The default location of the profile archive is determined by the registry value of HKLM\SOFTWARE\Intel\Wireless\PROSetArchiveDir
PSMT is Deployed as a Standalone Tool
Use Case: User Profiles Migration
A user wishes to move PROSet wireless profiles from PROSet running under XP to PROSet running under Windows 7. The user can take the following steps.
- Copy PSMT32.exe and PSMT64.exe onto the same directory on a flash drive.
- Insert the flash drive into a 32-bit XP system running PROSet.
- Open a command prompt and change the current directory to the directory containing PSMT32.exe.
- From the command prompt run PSMT32 /EXPORT.
- PSMT_PROFILE_ARCHIVE.psa will be created in the current directory.
- In addition, a log file named PSMT.log will be created in the same directory containing details on the list of profiles archived in PSMT_PROFILE_ARCHIVE.psa.
- Remove the flash drive from the Windows XP system
- Insert the flash drive into a 64-bit Windows 7 system running PROSet.
- Open a command prompt and change the current directory to the directory containing PSMT64.exe
- From the command prompt run PSMT32 /IMPORT.
- Profiles belonging to the current user in PSMT_PROFILE_ARCHIVE.psa will be imported into PROSet.
- In addition, the log file PSMT.log is updated to reflect the profiles imported.
- Note that the default behavior of the PSMT is to only import user profiles belonging to the current user.
- User profiles belonging to a user other than the current user can be imported by requesting it using the /USERNAME and /USERDOMAIN options.
You can confirm that the users profiles have been successfully imported using the Profiles Dialog of the Intel® PROSet/Wireless WiFi Connection Utility.
- When running with administrative privileges, PSMT extracts user profiles of every user on the system.
- A user can only import user profiles into his/her wireless profile database.
- The bit-ness and the tool must match the bit-ness of the OS.
- A user interested in migrating from 32-bit Windows XP to 64-bit Windows 7 needs to run PSMT32 on XP and PSMT64 on Windows 7.
- If the username and/or userdomain of the owner of the user profiles on Windows XP does not match that of the current user on Windows 7, the user needs to override them when importing the profiles. (See appendix for command line options of PSMT.)
PSMT is deployed as part of PROSet
Use case: Archiving user profiles
- Open up a command prompt.
- From the command prompt run PSMT /EXPORT
- PSMT_PROFILE_ARCHIVE.psa will be created in the archive directory specified by the registry value of HKLM\SOFTWARE\Intel\Wireless\PROSetArchiveDir
- In addition, a log file named PSMT.log will be created in the same directory containing details on the list of profiles archived in PSMT_PROFILE_ARCHIVE.psa.
- When required, the user can use PSMT /IMPORT to import his/her user profiles.
PSMT32 <options> [profileArchiveName]
This program exports all user profiles on a Windows XP machine, and imports the profiles specified for the current user on a Windows 7 machine.
/? : Displays this message
/H : Displays this message
/VERBOSE : Verbose mode
/TOC : Displays all the profiles in the profile archive
/IMPORT : Imports user profiles for the current user
/EXPORT : Exports user profiles
/FORCEIMPORT : Overwrites existing user profiles
/USERNAME=username : Imports profiles of this user name
/USEDOMAIN=userdomain : Imports profiles of this user domain
Download instructions as a pdf.
The above instructions have been added to the following pdf.
File name: PROSetWirelessProfileMigrationToolUserGuide.pdf
Size: 399 KB
Date: August 2010
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