Tutorial 3 on Communicating with the Intel® Galileo Boards


Install & Setup



Basic communication to Serial Monitor

Let's get a simple Hello World script to run using the command-line interface within Linux*. When programming with the Arduino* software interface, we use the Serial.println() function to output to the serial monitor. Linux uses the "echo" command, which is a built-in function used to display output to a screen.

Step 1: Open serial monitor

While the Arduino program is running, open the serial monitor by clicking the serial monitor icon on the far right of the menu.
Serial monitor

Step 2: Telnet into the board

Keep an eye on the serial monitor. After connecting to the board via telnet, run the following command:
echo "hello, world" > dev/ttyGS0

This should print the "hello world" to the serial Monitor:

Telnet into the board

This same code can be accomplished from within the Arduino IDE. Using the "system" function to execute commands via Linux:

system("echo \"hello, world!\" > /dev/ttyGS0"); //Serial (IDE Serial Monitor)